
Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi Welcomes BPJS Kesehatan's Visit of The Benchmarking Program Leadership

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

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Tuesday, 20th June 2023 - PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi (EFK) welcomed the visit of BPJS Kesehatan in the framework of the Pratama Manager Leadership program that BPJS Kesehatan is carrying out. On this occasion, EFK became one of the benchmark companies for prospective BPJS Kesehatan leaders. This benchmarking activity has taken place at the EFK Office, Jalan Iskandarsyah, South Jakarta, on Monday (19/6). 

The agenda begins with the participation of participants from BPJS Kesehatan in the Monday Safety Briefing, which is routinely held every Monday.

In his remarks, the director of EFK, Ari Wijaya, expressed his hope that this benchmarking program would produce positive values and beneficial for both companies. 

"The activities carried out by EFK, such as the Monday Safety Briefing, are part of the culture that EFK implements as the company's commitment to conveying Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) aspects to its employees regularly," Ari said.

The agenda continued with an introduction to company profiles and leadership practices on culture at EFK presented by Aswin Archy Saputra as Communication & Community Relations. 

In his presentation, Aswin also conveyed the vital role of a leader in the success of AKHLAK's values as a corporate culture or core values to be implemented by EFK employees and how approaches have been taken or new ways of working in improving team performance to support the achievement of company goals through culture. After the presentation, it was followed by a discussion session and exchange of information between the two companies regarding the leadership and organizational systems implemented at EFK.

The agenda ended with an office tour to obersve behavior and work activities interspersed with brief questions and answers by BPJS Kesehatan participants.

Hopefully, after the implementation of this program, the participants will be able to improve their competence in optimizing team leadership skills and reliable managerial skills in handling workers competently by applying skills and work attitudes that support their functions.


Graha Elnusa Lantai 2, Jalan Tahi Bonar Simatupang, Kav . 1B, Jakarta Selatan, RT.10/RW.3, Cilandak Tim., Jakarta Selatan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12560




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